Wednesday, September 11, 2013

So far...

Ed has done all the blogging until now. I did quite a bit of research and prepared some useful notes, but three hours before leaving I was going to print them out and email them to me, but they became lost in the "cloud" and haven't been seen since. So we have been wandering through Ireland.
It is quite an interesting country. Some beautiful country side, large cities and small villages, all and all it is very diverse from one region to another. But I find myself wondering, who is Ireland? It seems as if each area of the county is starved for the tourist dollar and each claims to have the most beautiful or oldest or most famous building or monument. So many tour buses, stopping and paying the admission  price for each attraction, as Ed and I try to keep to a quieter path dodging them.
Our first ten days we have spent time in hostels, sometimes in public rooms and sometime in private rooms. The hostels are full of American, German, and French people. We met people from Mooresville in the Dingle hostel and at the Cliffs of Moher, a fellow from Charlotte. 

Some thoughts and observations:
-Glendalough is beautiful, but one only needs a long day to see it and have a great hike around the larger lake.
-Cashel and Cahir are some nice small villages with castles that are worth touring.
-There is some great hiking on the Dingle peninsula, but don't visit during marathon weekend:-(   You can't get a room
-The hike from Doolin past the Cliffs of Moher to Hag's Head is a much better way to see the cliffs.
-The bus is working ok, but doesn't always get us where we want to go, so we have to walk or hitch a ride.
-Our last two nights have been at B&B's and it is good to see another side of Ireland.
-The roads are very narrow, did I say narrow? The roads are NARROW.
- The food is very good. We have also tried some new foods.

Today we leave on a three day hike along the Western Way, which is in the Connemara on the western side if Ireland. We hope the hike takes us off road. Many of the marked trails are along road and not so good, but when we get off the road the landscape is wonderful and it is very peaceful.

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